Welcome to Tamarix-Psychologie

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PTSD symptoms

Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is caused by witnessing, exerpiencing, or learning about someone close to you who experienced traumatic events (such as actual or treatened death, serous injury, or sexual violence) or trauma suffered while working as a uniformed professional or working for government agencies or in security.

PTSD includes 4 types of symptoms: 

  1. re-experiencing or reliving the trauma, such as: disturbing memories or nightmares; feeling or acting like the trauma is happening again (flashbacks); becoming very upset when reminded of the trauma
  2. Presistent avoidance such as: avoiding memories or thoughts about the trauma, avoiding thoughts, feelings or memories closely associated with traumati events
  3. Negative thoughts and moods: feeling detached or isloating from others, negative beliefs (such as “I’m a bad person”, “I can’t trust anyone”); self-blame for the trauma; presistent negative emotions such as fear, anger, huilt or shame; trouble feeling positive emotions like happiness and love; lack of interest or participation in pleasureable/important activities
  4. More on-edge and reactive, such as: feeling on guard, being irritable or angry, trouble sleeping, startling easily, problems concentrating, being reckless or self-destructive

Trauma treatment

Trauma treatment helps you to admit painful feelings and thougths, to process them and to recover from PTSD. I provide the following trauma treatments: NET , BEPP and EMDR.

– NET (Narrative Exposure Therapy) is individual trauma treatment in which the life history of the client is central. Both beautiful and shocking events and the periods in between are given a place in life history. With the help of NET, the client gets a better picture of his or her entire life. At the start of treatment, the lifeline is laid by means of symbols (including flowers and stones). In the following sessions “exposure” will be used. During exposure, the client, in the safe therapy room, returns to the traumatic events from the past in order to process them. 

– BEPP Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for PTSD, a therapy with active elements from different psychotherapy disciplines (cognitive behaverial therapy / grief therapy /  psychodynamic psychotherapy). During the treatment you will become familiar with all five elements of the BEPP protocol: psychoeducation, imaginal exposure to the traumatic event, writing assignments, the domain of meaning and integration, the farewell ritual

– EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

During EMDR the client considers the traumatic event and focuses on the image that evokes the most tension. At the same time, the practitioner offers a highly distracting task, which reduces the vividness and charge of the traumatic image. Memories lose their emotional charge. It becomes easier for the client to think back to the traumatic event without becoming upset.


You can register for traumatreatment aimed at reducing PTSD complaints if you have a valid referral letter from your GP and you are insured with the Dutch health insurer. 

Reimbursement is through your healthcare insurer. You only pay your health insurer’s deducible. 

You must first register via 1nP. As soon as I have received the registration, I will contact you as soon as possible to make the first appointment. Treatment can take place face-to-face, online or hybrid. Information about the waiting time, practice address and how to register can be found on the 1nP website via the registration link below: 

Sessions possible online, on location or hybride.

Registration criteria for trauma treatment:

– age 18+

– PTSD symptoms

You CANNOT register if:

• Acute danger such as: suicidality, self-harm or aggression problems are very prominent

• dependence on alcohol or substances
• Serious eating problems
• Bipolar disorder, psychotic disorder
• Severe dissociative disorder (state of reduced consciousness)
• IQ below 80 or neurological abnormalities
• Domestic violence

Practice address:

Kanaalweg Oostzijde 134 R

3224 AD Hellevoetsluis

06-57955558 / info@tamarix-psychologie.com

The practice is located in the office building of the Ri-Jo business center East entrance. To the left of the dance school, not in the dance school itself.

Opening hours:

  • Monday 09:00 – 17:00 (on location and online)
  • Tuesday 09:00 – 17:00 (on location and online)
  • Wednesday 09:00 – 17:00 (on location and online)
  • Thursday 09:00 – 17:00 (online only)
  • Friday 09:00 – 17:00 (online only)

Accessibility practice:

Easily accessible, located along the canal in Hellevoetsluis. Parking in front of the door is free.

By public transport: accessible by various buses: it is a 9-minute walk from the Vlotbrug or Struytse Hoeck bus stops.